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Take a look at what these people are working on and hear what they have to say ...

Have you ever realized that all the billions and billions that are constantly brought into the markets by the central banks always flow back to the few super-rich?

If you have already thought about this, then you probably also understand the unequal distribution of all money as a result of central banks money issuance.

Maybe you also understand the context how this leads to social injustice and I do not have to explaining in detail the complex mechanism how this connects to banks and politics trying to solving many problems by simply printing more money.

Rising inflation is always accompanied by greater social injustice!

And the banks and many politicians strategy has already existed for many decades, if not centuries and there does not seem to be an end to it.

Correct?! Yes. This social injustice is inherent in the system and thus seemingly unchangeable!

But Bish Smeir, CEO Enigmatic Smile, and his cooperation partners have created within the last years a solution to strengthen the middle class, from which everyone can benefit!

Remember with pleasure my article on the occasion of the VOWup2022.

VOWup2022 was my first personal contact with the leaders of this impressive ecosystem.

In the meantime, I am in meetings with Bish Smeir every Monday and I am weekly learning about the progress of this ingenious ecosystem. Once a year there is a big public event where all participants present their function and results. This year was no exception! On August 5, 2023, VOWup2023 took place in Munich and I was there!

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The Infinity Hotel in Unterschleissheim - a very nice event location

Click or tap on the picture to enter our telegram group

VOWup2023 had 3 times as many visitors as last year and was organized even better and more luxurious for its guests, from registration to catering to accommodation. The following pictures give you an impression and then we start with live recordings of the most important speakers. It's worth listening to the entertaining speeches if you want to know about the growth and development that has taken place in the VOW ecosystem in just 11 months!

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Der noch leere Veranstaltungssaal einen Tag bevor es los ging.


Leichte und flüssige Registrierung dank zahlreicher Registrierungstische überall im Hotel

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Fortunately, I didn't go to VOWUP in 2023 alone, but had arranged to meet wonderful people. Here YOU see some of these lovely acquaintances.

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Andreas and I had met a few weeks earlier at a VOW hub meeting in Frankfurt.

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Meetings with Carola and Heike during the event worked out quite simply without much using the cell phone and appointments again and again in the midst of 1200 guests. Amazing connection!

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In order of appearance: Carola, Heike G., Bish, Eric, Heike W. - 5 amazing souls of human beings

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As in the previous year, the wonderful Khadra Sufi led through the program. And now let's start with the first entertaining and highly interesting lectures!

A very interesting lecture in the matter of legal protection in relation to possible regulations was given by attorney Christopher Griffin from Jersey.

Christopher Griffin, from the law firm of Carey Olsen, has extensive experience in both general international corporate and funds practice with particular expertise in private equity and hedge funds.

Having spent ten years in the City of London at Ashurst, RAB Capital plc and most recently at SJ Berwin, he now leads Carey Olsen's crypto practice and in 2017 advised on the launch of Coinshares Fund I (a venture cap fund investing in crypto assets) and ARC Reserve Currency, Jersey's first Initial Coin Offering or "ICO".

Christopher Griffin also advises on all aspects of fund and corporate transactions, including the legal and regulatory aspects of fund launches and joint ventures.

As a member of the Jersey funds team, he also has considerable experience in dealing with the Jersey Financial Services Commission in navigating investment vehicles through the Jersey approval process.

Christopher Griffin was ranked as a Leading Lawyer - "Highly regarded" in the IFLR1000 2019.

By the way, this law firm Carey Olsen in Jersey itself, for which Christopher Griffin, works has been awarded several times worldwide.

If you type in "VOW" on the website there come several posts mentioning VOW . ... here specifically on the introduction of the VOW ecosystem:

Look and listen to this now:

Christopher Griffin from the renowned Olsen Law Firm not only spoke about the legal background to the token issuance, he also made clear the importance of passing the VOW Token into decentralization!

To that end, on that memorable August 5, 2023, $250 million worth of VOW Tokens were transferred from VOW Limited to the VOW Foundation.

Listen to what Bish Smeir CEO Enigmatic Smile had to say about it in the following minute.

By the way, at the end of March 2023 I took the opportunity to meet Bish Smeir in person at the Warm up 2023 in Dubai. Together with many enthusiastic liquidity providers, we spent an unforgettable evening in the desert outside Dubai.

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I'm sure this short clip with Bish Smeir has made you curious about his opening of the event. Check out his entire informative and historic launch speech here.

The exciting part of this event was to hear from all the founders who have partnered with Bish Smeir and Enigmatic Smile or Single ID and to hear about their role in the VOW ecosystem and understand their motivations. One of the close and long-standing collaboration partners is Tom Sumner of The Reward Collection.

His strong growth in customer numbers within a year in the area of frictionless digital cashback programs and all the customer loyalty successes that come with it have been very impressive. His company's specialty is the numerous whitelabel solutions for now 16 different industries.

We continued with Ash Day, COO of lux rewards, an emerging company in the field of customer engagement of luxury and high-end business clients.

In the spring of 2023, Cashbackapp India was launched and a major Indian television station called NDTV was signed up as a licensing partner for northern India. In the following picture you can see Bish Smeir, CEO Enigmatic Smile, with the representatives of the major credit card companies as well as Rupay, an Indian payment service provider, at a connecting opening ritual.

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So this picture was taken months earlier in India and not on August 5, in Munich.

I am very touched by this snapshot as it is a wonderful picture of a milestone in the development of the VOW ecosystem.

Within the VOW ecosystem, the CEOs of credit card companies that otherwise compete come together here and light an oil lamp together.

What a beautiful idea!

For the legislations in India, Subash Manuel, an Indian-English lawyer specialized in the legislations in the field of Crypto and Blockchain technology gave a talk.

Subash Manuel explained some basics in the area of property rights in cryptocurrencies, as well as advantages of DeFi versus CeFi and smart contracts in DeFi.

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If you are up for a basics review, listen to Subash Manuel here now:

Paul Teleky, Head of markets and liquidity for VOW, COO Enigmatic Smile is the "right hand man" of Bish Smeir.

At this year's VOWUP he gave a humorous but also very informative presentation on the different use cases within the VOW ecosystem and the burn mechanism.

In his talk it becomes clear what is meant by "it's all about utitlity", "it's always about usability and possible applications".

I highly recommend you listen to this talk to better understanding the complex and ingenious ecosystem!

Paul explains the connections between the consumers who use the cashback apps, the merchants (merchants who need to stake VOW to create vCurrencies on demand) and the TLN liquidity providers or VOW token holders.

The entire program was broken up by delicious food breaks and cool entertainment.

I especially enjoyed the guys from East 17, a boy band from the nineties, who are also all TLN Liquidity Providers for VOW.

Maybe you are wondering how to introduce vCurrencies into the existing cashback markets?

Then you should definitely listen to this presentation by John Cohen, CEO TLS Cashback.

John explains how v£ can be used by any marketer to gain a competitive advantage.

In my opinion, another highlight within the VOW ecosystem is the travel booking portal After it was launched in February 2023, there were still some "bumps" in the booking process. CEO Michael Culhane explains the reasons for this and tells us about the relaunch of the portal with a new look.

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If you are interested in the topic of cheaper travel, just click on the picture of Michael Culhane and me that I took after all the presentations. You will then be taken to a site that already offers discounted booking options and will hopefully soon accept vCurrencies as payment.

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Michael Culhane reviews the lessons learned from vtravel, what has changed, what has been improved, and where to go in the future.

Also interesting is the progress of the success story of the franchise company "The geek retreat" in U.K: thanks to CEO Peter Dobson. THE GEEK RETREAT company opened its first location in Glasgow in 2013. The second location opened the following year in Newcastle upon Tyne. After a period of establishment and until word of the successful concept spread, the number of locations literally exploded in England. In 2021, Peter Dobson joined the British Franchise Association with GEEK RETREAT. By June 2021, THE GEEK RETREAT already had 27 locations. Check out Peter's presentation at VOWup 2023 here:

Eric Calder, CEO of Alluvial Rewards and Crypto Space, made the grand finale of VOWup 2023 with a very moving speech, for which he was also celebrated like a rock star. Be sure to listen to this man's vita and what vision he holds for VOW!

Every guest at VOWup 2023 received numerous gifts, such as a physical VOW token with 11 tokens loaded on it, plus their hotel and convention ticket costs were 100% reimbursed in VOW tokens. Have you ever experienced something like this with any company before?

I have not.

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Complete decentralization also includes the right of tokenholders to vote directly. Consequently, decentralization also brings direct democracy. Franklin D. Roosevelt already knew:

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Democracy can only succeed if those who express their voice choose wisely. Therefore, the true permanence and security of democracy lies in the education of our children, youth and adults. I hope my blog article will help you learn a lot about this new money system. If you are already a VOW tokenholder, please register for voting by clicking or tapping on the next photo with your VOW wallet mirrored in MetaMask.

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And if you are not yet a Liquidity Provider or QLP in the TLN protocol, like all these people, then feel free to come now to our Telegram channel WE VOW TO CHANGE THE WORLD to learn how you can change that, so that you too can soon benefit from this ingenious system.

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Are there questions coming up now, how and where to buy VOW ?

Or how you may also get rewarded as a Liquidity Provider?

Then feel free to contact me or the person who sent you this blog article.

If you click or tap on the VOW heart in the next image, you'll land directly with me in WhatsApp.

I am looking forward to your message!

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